
Posts Tagged ‘home’

4 Types of Insurance Everyone Should Have

In Your Guest Writers on January 15, 2011 at 1:36 AM


Image Credit Michal Zacharzewski



No matter how much or how little you make in a year, insurance is one financial topic that cannot be ignored. Insurance protects you, your family, your earnings, and your possessions. Without it, you leave everything to chance. On the other hand, you don’t want to spend too much on insurance or purchase insurance that you don’t need. If money is tight, you are better off focusing on the four types of insurance that you can’t afford to go without.

Auto Insurance

Despite the fact that some form of auto insurance is required by law in every state, more than 16 percent of the nation’s drivers are uninsured. For this reason alone, you should make sure you are protected when you hit the road. At minimum, you should have enough auto insurance to meet state minimum requirements. Collision and comprehensive coverage makes sense if you have a nice vehicle or a lien holder on your title. Your policy should also include some form of liability coverage, which pays for other people’s expenses when you are at fault in an accident.

Home or Renter’s Insurance

Although neither home nor renter’s insurance are required by law, both types of insurance are smart to have. If you own your own home, you should have enough insurance to cover 100 percent of your home’s replacement costs. You should also have some level of liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property–in addition to coverage for your personal possessions. If you rent your home, you will definitely want to have a replacement cost policy for your possessions as well as liability coverage. Your landlord’s insurance will not pay for anything you own.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a necessity for everyone. When you pass, your family will need money to pay for funeral and burial costs. If your family depends on your income or even a portion of your income, they may need extra cash to pay the mortgage and other everyday bills. Other financial considerations could include retirement, education, and taxes. The amount of life insurance that you need depends on your individual situation. You can get an estimate by using one of the many free life insurance calculators on the web or by speaking with a qualified insurance agent or financial advisor.

Disability Insurance

A disability will affect one in five Americans at some point in their life. Most people are disabled for at least 90 days or longer. If a disability would prevent you from supporting yourself or your family members, you should definitely have disability insurance. An individual disability policy is designed to replace a specific percentage of your income if you are unable to work and can be purchased at a relatively low cost. You may also be able to get short-term and/or long-term group disability coverage through your employer.

Guest post from Bailey Harris, who writes about Car Insurance Quotes for

Garage Sale Shopping 101: How to Shop Like a Pro

In budget, Your Guest Writers, Your Home, Your World on May 2, 2010 at 6:59 PM

Hi everyone!  My name is Rachel, and I’m so excited to be guest posting at Live Well For Less.  My friends and I started in March 2010 to share our money saving tips and tricks with others.  

We quickly realized that, day in and day out, we’re all working very hard for many different goals, such as education, retirement, vacation, a car, a home, family, etc. So, we created, which is a community focused on helping you find resources (both online & offline) for a fit wallet, so you can live your lifestyle!  Members receive free access to the community, where discussions take place in the forum, examples are shared on the blog and more. Additionally, members receive free tips by e-mail and webinars. In the future, we’ll develop more opportunities, such as training seminars.  Please take a minute to visit the site and sign up!  It’s free to join and filled with great information. 

Image Courtesy J M Griffin


As we are approaching garage sale season, I wanted to share a few tips to help you find the best deals and items for your household. 

1. Browse your local newspaper (don’t forget online versions) and Craigslist for garage sales of interest. Pay special attention to the top items listed in each listing. If you are in a household without children, you might want to stay away from those listings that boast baby and children items. When you find listings of interest, write down the address of each sale and map them out so you can set out a clear path and not waste time and gas. 

2. Focus on specific locations. I tend to browse the garage and estate sales of those homes in my neighborhood. This allows me to get some exercise while getting to snoop at my neighbor’s stuff. Growing up, my sister and I would drive to the nicer neighborhoods in the town next to ours. She was really into looking for clothes for herself and would find lots of barely worn, brand name items. I found my first set of golf clubs, bag included, for $1. Also watch for neighborhood or block sales. This will allow you to drive to one spot and have access to items for sale from numerous sellers. Similar in size to neighborhood and block sale are church, school, and charity rummage sales. These are typically held at an interior location, such as the church or school, and all proceeds go to the organization or a specific project that should be advertised. If these events are over multiple days, the organizers are much more likely to give great deals on the last day so that they don’t have to make arrangements to store remaining items or send to collection agencies, such as Goodwill or Salvation Army. 

3. Estate sales. These tend to be better organized than a garage sale and typically take place after the resident has passed away. If you are looking for more household items or vintage clothing, these might be your focus. 

4. Time of day. You will have the best selection of items if you get there early, but will be able to find better deals at the end of the day. If you find an item specifically listed in the ad that you are interested in, it is in your best interest to get there early. The owner is also less likely to bring down the price much if it is an item that will generate a lot of traffic to their location. Please be kind to sellers and don’t arrive before the listed start time of the sale. These sellers may be trying to finish some last minute preparation of their sale, or just catching some last zzz’s before the big day. 

5. Haggling. Don’t be afraid to offer a lower price than marked for any items that you are interested in. The seller may be more willing to accept a lower price if you are purchasing several items. Please be respectful of sellers and don’t offer an unreasonably low price. Offer a price that you feel represents the value of the item. 

Do you have any other tips for garage sale shoppers?


In Your Guest Writers, Your Home on April 15, 2010 at 7:20 AM

By: Jennifer Brown Banks

Image Courtesy of Louis Hall

In today’s economy, an increasing number of Americans are working from home.  This change in venue may be the result of losing a 9 to 5 gig, or the desire to test entrepreneurial waters as “job security” becomes a thing of the past.

Whether this space at your place will be used to consult with clients, or merely serve as a haven for a working writer who needs a private nook, there are a few things to consider for ultimate success.

Aside from stylistic preferences, it needs to be affordable, attractive, and functional.

Here are some terrific tips to help you approach this:

Attractive surroundings:

  1. Choose a theme that fits your personality. For instance, my office is conservative and classy, decorated in black leather (and some vinyl) furniture, with beige carpeting and animal throw rug. The colors are well balanced, yet striking. It’s also very warm and inviting. Yours should be too, particularly if you expect to have in-home clients.
  2. Choose colors that inspire you. I love soft muted tones. Others may prefer vibrant colors like red or orange to get their mojo working. Whatever you decide, choose carefully because you’re likely to spend a lot of time there.
  3. Accessorize with live and artificial plants. It adds warmth and a touch of nature.
  4. Keep reading materials like books and magazines on shelves, tables, and baskets. Literature adds a look of professionalism and conveys an image of being smart and well read.


  1. Remember that it’s not where you shop, but how you shop that matters. If you’re clever, “quality conscious” and creative, you’ll find great deals at your local Dollar Store outlets, thrift shops, and even amidst Craigslist offerings.
  2. Ask family members and friends to donate nice pieces that they may no longer have a need for.
  3. Add intimate, inexpensive touches by taking family photos, vacation pictures, and treasured friends, and placing them on display in beautiful frames that you can purchase or make yourself from items at arts and craft stores. Be creative!


  1. Don’t overlook the importance of a well-organized office. It doesn’t have to meet your mom’s standards, but at least be able to see the top of your desk, or locate important documents when in need.
  2. Strive for furniture that is “comfy” yet well constructed.  A desk chair that offers good back support is a must.

Follow these decorating dos and don’ts and you’ll be a diva who has a home office that speaks “royally” of you, and in a language your pockets can appreciate. Work it, girl!


Jennifer Brown Banks is a successful writer and entrepreneur who has enjoyed working from her home office for the last seven years.  And she’s lovin’ the view!

Your Home

In Your Home on March 1, 2010 at 3:35 PM

Welcome  Spring  With These Quick and Easy DIY Grass Planters!




Decorative Container

Garden or Potting Soil

*Pebbles – Only necessary if your container does not have drainage holes.

Rye Grass Seeds – Rye grass is very inexpensive,  and is readily available at Walmart, Kmart, Lowes,  Home Depot and similar stores.  You can substitute any type of grass, or for something different, try using wheat kernels.



Fill and level your container with soil, leaving 1 -2 inches of space at the top. If necessary, first layer your container with 1 inch of pebbles, then top with soil.

Sprinkle a solid layer (don’t be stingy) of  grass over soil.

Cover  grass with ¼ inch of soil.

Water till moist; but not soggy. Keep your soil from drying out. Try watering daily and adjust as necessary.

Set your planter in a sunny windowsill or for those who live in warmer climates, outside in the sun.

You should see sprouts in 5 to 10 days.

BONUS – This project also makes a “artfully”  organic Easter basket. Start seedlings at least three weeks before Easter and use a container that easily fits  into your basket. After the grass has grown a few inches, place it into your  basket.  The Easter Bunny will do the rest. –  Enjoy!