
4 Types of Insurance Everyone Should Have

In Your Guest Writers on January 15, 2011 at 1:36 AM


Image Credit Michal Zacharzewski



No matter how much or how little you make in a year, insurance is one financial topic that cannot be ignored. Insurance protects you, your family, your earnings, and your possessions. Without it, you leave everything to chance. On the other hand, you don’t want to spend too much on insurance or purchase insurance that you don’t need. If money is tight, you are better off focusing on the four types of insurance that you can’t afford to go without.

Auto Insurance

Despite the fact that some form of auto insurance is required by law in every state, more than 16 percent of the nation’s drivers are uninsured. For this reason alone, you should make sure you are protected when you hit the road. At minimum, you should have enough auto insurance to meet state minimum requirements. Collision and comprehensive coverage makes sense if you have a nice vehicle or a lien holder on your title. Your policy should also include some form of liability coverage, which pays for other people’s expenses when you are at fault in an accident.

Home or Renter’s Insurance

Although neither home nor renter’s insurance are required by law, both types of insurance are smart to have. If you own your own home, you should have enough insurance to cover 100 percent of your home’s replacement costs. You should also have some level of liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property–in addition to coverage for your personal possessions. If you rent your home, you will definitely want to have a replacement cost policy for your possessions as well as liability coverage. Your landlord’s insurance will not pay for anything you own.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a necessity for everyone. When you pass, your family will need money to pay for funeral and burial costs. If your family depends on your income or even a portion of your income, they may need extra cash to pay the mortgage and other everyday bills. Other financial considerations could include retirement, education, and taxes. The amount of life insurance that you need depends on your individual situation. You can get an estimate by using one of the many free life insurance calculators on the web or by speaking with a qualified insurance agent or financial advisor.

Disability Insurance

A disability will affect one in five Americans at some point in their life. Most people are disabled for at least 90 days or longer. If a disability would prevent you from supporting yourself or your family members, you should definitely have disability insurance. An individual disability policy is designed to replace a specific percentage of your income if you are unable to work and can be purchased at a relatively low cost. You may also be able to get short-term and/or long-term group disability coverage through your employer.

Guest post from Bailey Harris, who writes about Car Insurance Quotes for

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