
Posts Tagged ‘batteries’

Toss Out Household Waste the Right Way

In Your Home on March 14, 2010 at 8:00 AM

Confused about how and or where to dispose of common household waste? Read on to sort it out.

 Where To Discard:  Garbage, Hazardous, Recycle

Empty Aerosol Cans:  Garbage

Ant/Roach Bait Trap:  Hazardous

Antifreeze:  Hazardous, Recycle       

Auto Parts, Batteries, etc:  Hazardous, Recycle          

Alkaline Batteries:  **Garbage, Hazardous, Recycle

Rechargeable Batteries:  Hazardous, Recycle

Fluorescent Light bulbs:  Hazardous, Recycle

Motor Oil:  Hazardous, Recycle

Latex Paint (Use kitty litter to absorb):  Garbage

Oil or Spray Paint:  Hazardous 

Paint Primer, Thinner, Turpentine:  Hazardous

Unused Pool Chemicals:  Hazardous

RX or OTC Drugs  (Empty containers and crush pills):  Garbage

Smoke Detectors:  Hazardous, Recycle

 Call your city or county solid-waste department to find out where to dump hazardous waste. For items not accepted locally, search online for recycling options.

In general, DO NOT pour liquid household waste down the drain.

*Sources – Water Environment Federation; Household disposal laws vary from place to place.  **Not in California or where prohibited by law.